Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Education (K-12) Two Hour Online Short Course

It is widely recognized that problems related to drug use, misuse, and abuse pervade our society at all levels.  While use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) can have a profound effect on many important aspects of an individual’s life, including mental, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual health and success in school and/or work, very few people have had any direct education about factors related to drug use. Education at the school and community level is critical to reducing problems that arise from ATOD use.  This self-directed two-hour online course, Preventing Substance Abuse in the School Community, consists of a brief introductory module, and the following four modules:

  1. Module 1 – The Risk Factor Framework
  2. Module 2 – Pharmacology
  3. Module 3 – Addiction and Recovery
  4. Module 4 – Substance Use in the School

Some of the topics included in this training include:

  • Attitudes and Beliefs about Drugs & Alcohol
  • Trends and Social Norms
  • Risk and Protective Factors
  • Pharmacology
  • The Teenage Brain
  • Addiction
  • Family Systems
  • Recognizing Signs and Symptoms
  • Review of Local Data
  • What School Professionals Can Do

The fee for this Two Hour Online Short Course is $60.00. 

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Course Duration: 2
Skill Level: Beginner

This module helps users understand the importance of an individual's impact on someone considering suicide while increasing awareness and understanding of suicidal behavior. 

Participants will learn basic knowledge and skills of suicide prevention, including societal myths and attitudes, the use of sensitive language, risk factors and warning signs, protective factors, and examples of what to say and do. Participants will learn to apply a three-step process for talking with someone with a suicide risk.

Skill Level: Beginner

The two modules in this package provide current knowledge about effective strategies for working with men in their middle years (men aged 35-64) and older adults (55 and older) to reduce the risk of suicide. 

Each module provides current knowledge about effective strategies for working with men in their middle years and older adults and explains why these populations are at risk by providing current data and background and concrete action items through a set of recommendations to help reduce the risk of suicide.

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Skill Level: Beginner

Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Education (K-12) Two Hour Online Short Course

It is widely recognized that problems related to drug use, misuse, and abuse pervade our society at all levels.  While use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) can have a profound effect on many important aspects of an individual’s life, including mental, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual health and success in school and/or work, very few people have had any direct education about factors related to drug use. Education at the school and community level is critical to reducing problems that arise from ATOD use.  This self-directed two-hour online course, Preventing Substance Abuse in the School Community, consists of a brief introductory module, and the following four modules:

  1. Module 1 – The Risk Factor Framework
  2. Module 2 – Pharmacology
  3. Module 3 – Addiction and Recovery
  4. Module 4 – Substance Use in the School

Some of the topics included in this training include:

  • Attitudes and Beliefs about Drugs & Alcohol
  • Trends and Social Norms
  • Risk and Protective Factors
  • Pharmacology
  • The Teenage Brain
  • Addiction
  • Family Systems
  • Recognizing Signs and Symptoms
  • Review of Local Data
  • What School Professionals Can Do

The fee for this Two Hour Online Short Course is $60.00. 

Register Now

Course Duration: 2
Skill Level: Beginner

This course provides current knowledge about effective strategies for working with youth and young adults identifying as LGBTQ+ (LGBTQ+ YYAs), to reduce the risk of suicide. The training is aimed at health care providers, mental health providers, and those working in social services and schools. 

Before users start the module they are required to take the Introduction to Suicide Prevention module. This module covers suicide as a public health problem, preferred language, common terms, high-risk groups, social determinants of health, and health disparities. 

The Suicide Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies for LGBTQ+ YYAs training consists of three learning segments: 

  1. Context
  2. Risk Factors and Warning Signs 
  3. Recommendations and Resources

Viewers are required to complete a short quiz (4-6 questions) before moving on to the next segment. The Context section provides background information about the population and current data revolving around mental health and suicide. The risk factors and warning signs segment explains the importance of recognizing risk factors and warning signs and provides specific risk factors and warning signs for LGBTQ+ YYAs. 

The Recommendations and resources section provides health, lifestyle, and other considerations to consider when addressing suicide risk in LGBTQ+ YYAs. Most importantly, this section also provides specific recommendations for those working with the LGBTQ+ YYAs to create protective factors to reduce suicide risk. The training also provides a resource section with links to both VT and national organizations for providers to get more information or to pass it on to others.

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Course Duration: 1
Skill Level: Beginner